Midway Chapter 16                                   

 P.O. Box 1774, Salina, Kansas 67402-1774

 January 2023                             Issue: 01                             




MEETING LOCATION: Salina Senior Center, Board Room on Second Floor.

MEETING TIME: 1:00 PM/ DATES: Jan 13, Feb 10, Mar 10, Apr 14, May 12, June 9, Jul 14, Aug 11, Sept 8, Oct 13, Nov 17, Dec 8.

MEAL: Hawaiian chicken or loaded baked potato soup, rice pilaf, winter blend vegetables, tropical fruit, wheat bread with butter

SECRETARY REMARKS: I hope everyone had a marvelous Christmas and a blessed New Year. We have survived another year as a chapter. I THANK each and all of you for your financial support in 2022 and for attending monthly meetings. If you could not attend meetings due to health or other reasons, I thank you for remaining a member and renewing your membership. Yet, for all the good we accomplished together in 2022, there's still more to do. We must continually take on the challenge of increasing our membership. If you have any ideas on recruitment, let us know. Your continued support is appreciated.


Our December meeting was a productive one focused on reducing expenditures. Please note that if you have a valid email address, you will receive the chapter Newsletter via the internet. But if you don't have an email address or paid the annual fee of $14 to receive the Newsletter, you'll receive one by USPS.  

Teamwork is essential for a successful chapter. Let's Prosper Together!  

2023: Four things people approaching or already in retirement can look forward to in 2023: 1. Social Security Checks Are Getting Bigger in January, the most significant cost-of-living adjustment in four decades, 8.7%. It might not seem like much, but something is better than nothing. 2. Medicare Premiums Are Going Down; Medicare beneficiaries will pay less for Part B premiums next year. 3. Retirement Account Contributions Limits Will Be Higher in 2023, allowed to funnel more money out of paychecks into your 401(k), 403(b), and most 457 plans. 4. Now Is a Great Time to Be a Saver, i.e., 2023 is shaping to be an excellent year for saving money. The interest rates on high-yield savings accounts, money market accounts, and certificates of deposit are higher than they've been in years. (Source military.com/12/26/22) 


GUEST SPEAKER: Christ Ratcliff, Executive Director, Reflections Retirement Resort, Salina, KS.


WELLNESS: Dorothy Armster, Shirley Wagner, Art Ramirez, and Moses Stewart. Keep thinking of them and praying for their health.


BIRTHDAY IN JANUARY: None noted. Birthdays are important in these current times of all kinds of virus threats. So, please let us know if we failed to mention your birthday.


TIDBITS OF DECEMBER MEETING:  Gift Card drawing winners: Visitor Chad Young, Cheryl Clark, Cayla Sondergard, Ronald Sondergard, Taft Yates, and Steve Murrison. Guest Speaker Chad Young, Executive Director of the Salina Rescue Mission, spoke about the Mission's programs: feeding, shelter, guest employment, new life, medical and mental health, street outreach, and the stages of homelessness. Also, the number of people they house and feed daily. Treasurer Roger Thull awarded Chad Young a Chapter Certificate of Appreciation. R. Thull presented the monthly Treasurer report for 11/18/22 to 11/09/22, two deposits, two expenses, and a checking account balance of $4168.34. He advised the members that two bills had increased their fees City Wide Storage and USPS Mail P.O. Box.  By voice vote, attending members approved a budget for 2023. Also, we verified the monthly membership meeting dates for 2023.  


EMPLOYMENT:  Are you a Veteran interested in career opportunities with V.A.? Feel free to email the Veterans Employment Services Office (VESO) for guidance. Find other helpful employment resources, including a military skills translator, resume builder, and more, at www.vets.gov/employment


NEW YEAR QUOTE: "Plant seeds every single day that you know who you are, you know what you're about, and you know what goals you've set for yourself." –Stephen Curry-


FOR CHAPTER 16 INFORMATION VISIT:www.facebook.com/groups/midwaysalina/ and www.midwaychapter16.org