Chapter Bylaws


TREA: The Enlisted Association

Chapter 16 Bylaws


                                                                    AN AFFIALITE OF TREA SINCE 1970


                                 P.O. Box 1774


                               Salina, Kansas 67402-1774




Article I - Name & Location---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

Article II – Object----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

Article III – Membership-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

Section 1 – Regular----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

Section 2 - Honorably Discharged Veteran----------------------------------------------------1

Section 3 – Associate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2

Section 4 – Honorary--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2

Section 5 – Courtesy---------------------------------------------------------------------------------2

Section 6 - Rights & Privileges--------------------------------------------------------------------2

Section 7 - Good Standing--------------------------------------------------------------------------2

Section 8 – Transfers--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

Section 9 – Resignation-----------------------------------------------------------------------------3

Section 10 - Expulsion or Suspension------------------------------------------------------------3

Section 11 – Reinstatement------------------------------------------------------------------------3

Article IV - Dues, Rebates, and Finances------------------------------------------------------------------3

Section 1 – Dues--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

Section 2 – Obligations------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

Section 3 – Finances---------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

Section 4 – Fiscal Year------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

Article V - Chapter Officers----------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

Section 1 - Elected Officers------------------------------------------------------------------------4

Section 2 - Appointed Officers--------------------------------------------------------------------4

Section 3 – Eligibility for Election----------------------------------------------------------------4

Section 4 – Nomination and Election------------------------------------------------------------4

Section 5 - Terms of Office------------------------------------------------------------------------4

Section 6 – Filling Vacancies----------------------------------------------------------------------5

Section 7 – Dual Offices----------------------------------------------------------------------------5

Section 8 - Removal of Officers-------------------------------------------------------------------5

Section 9 –Resignation------------------------------------------------------------------------------5

Section 10 – Installation Officers-----------------------------------------------------------------5

Oath of Office----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5

Article VI - Duties of Officers-------------------------------------------------------------------------------6

Section 1 – President-------------------------------------------------------------------------------6

Section 2 - Vice President-------------------------------------------------------------------------6

Section 3 – Secretary-------------------------------------------------------------------------------6

Section 4 – Treasurer-------------------------------------------------------------------------------6

Section 5 – Directors--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6

Section 6 - Chaplain---------------------------------------------------------------------------------7

Section 7 – Sergeant At Arms---------------------------------------------------------------------7

Section 8 – Historian--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7

Section 9 – Other Appointments------------------------------------------------------------------7


Chapter 16 Bylaws                             i
Revised: January 2017


Article VII - Board of Directors---------------------------------------------------------------------------7

Section 1 – Function-------------------------------------------------------------------------------7

Section 2 – Composition, Voting Rights and Quorum-------------------------------------7

Section 3 - Board Meetings----------------------------------------------------------------------7

Section 4 –Compensation------------------------------------------------------------------------7

       Section 5 –Standing Rules------------------------------------------------------------------------7

Section 6 –Indemnification----------------------------------------------------------------------8

Article VIII – General Membership Meetings---------------------------------------------------------8

Section 1 – Date, Time, Place, and Calling of Meetings ----------------------------------8

Section 2 –Frequency-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8

Section 3 – Notice of Meetings------------------------------------------------------------------8

Section 4 – Quorum-------------------------------------------------------------------------------8

Section 5–Presiding Officers--------------------------------------------------------------------8

Section 6 – Order of Business-------------------------------------------------------------------9

Section 7 Decorum, Privileges and Time Limitations--------------------------------------9

Article IX - Nominations and Elections------------------------------------------------------------------9

Section 1 – Standing Committees---------------------------------------------------------------9

Section 2 – Special Committee------------------------------------------------------------------9

Section 3 – Nominating Committee------------------------------------------------------------9

Section 4 – Committee Duties and Responsibilities---------------------------------------10

Article X – Convention Delegates-----------------------------------------------------------------------10

Article XI – Conflicts of Interest------------------------------------------------------------------------10

Section 1 – General-----------------------------------------------------------------------------10

Section 2 – Accusations or Grievances-----------------------------------------------------10

Article XII – Parliamentary Authority----------------------------------------------------------------10

Article XIII - Amendment of Bylaws------------------------------------------------------------------10

Section 1 – Procedures-------------------------------------------------------------------------10

Section 2 – Conformance with TREA Bylaws--------------------------------------------10

Section 3 – Distribution------------------------------------------------------------------------11

Article XIV - Colors, Seal and Logo-------------------------------------------------------------------11

Article XV – Dissolution----------------------------------------------------------------------------------11


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     Revised:  January 2017




We, as veterans and  enlisted personnel of the Armed Forces of the United States, being ever mindful of the glorious tradition of our duty to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, our responsibility to support a strong defense establishment, our interest in the welfare of our fellow service men and women in fortune or distress, And with reverence to God, Country and our departed comrades, unite to further the aims and objectives of The  Enlisted Association, Incorporated, and The Enlisted Association Midway USA Chapter 16


Section 1 (Name)

The name of this chapter, under the authority of its charter from The Retired Enlisted Association, Incorporate; currently dba, TREA: The Enlisted Association (hereinafter referred to as TREA) Midway USA Chapter 16.

Section 2 (Location)

  1. The chapter mailing address shall be:  PO Box 1774, Salina, Kansas 67402-1774
  2. Additional chapter administrative offices may be maintained at a location to be determined by the Board of Directors.


The object of Chapter 16 , a nonprofit military veterans organization, is to serve as a local affiliate of TREA; support TREA's aims and objectives; promote and assist its own members both professionally and culturally; cultivate and maintain good relations with community leaders and active and reserve component members of the armed forces; foster patriotism, civic duty, fraternity, camaraderie and a sense of belonging for its members; honor and perpetuate the memory of enlisted personnel; assist chapter members in fortune and distress; and uphold the ideals, principles and traditions of TREA.


Section 1 (Regular)

Any enlisted person retired with pay from an active or reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States, either for length of service or permanent medical disability, shall be eligible for regular membership including life membership. An active retired member, who was advanced to commission or warrant officer status, either through recall to active duty or on the retired list, shall remain eligible for regular membership as long as membership dues are kept current. All accepted chapter members will comply with the rules of the current HQ TREA and Chapter 16 Bylaws. The term "regular member" encompasses both charter and life members of this chapter. Any concern regarding this section shall be brought to the attention of the Officers for action.


Section 2 (Honorably Discharged Veteran)  

Any honorably discharged enlisted person not eligible for regular membership shall be eligible for Honorably Discharged Enlisted membership. Members in this category will be allowed to serve on committees and to attend conventions as a delegate and vote. The 3 year requirement can be waivered by the local chapter officers for veterans to hold an officer position.  The members must have received DD Form 214/NGB 214 showing the character of service as honorable.


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Section 3 (Associate)

Surviving spouses of deceased TREA members or persons, who were eligible for TREA membership at time of demise, shall (unless they are members of the TREA Auxiliary) be eligible for associate membership as long as they remain unmarried. Associate members shall enjoy the privileges of regular membership except, hold life membership.  They can hold a chapter office after 1 year of good standing in the chapter.

Section 4 (Honorary)

The chapter may bestow honorary chapter membership upon any person (by two-thirds vote) who has rendered notable service to the chapter and who is not eligible for regular or associate membership. Unless withdrawn for cause, honorary membership shall be for the life of the member and no membership dues shall be assessed. The title of "honorary member" shall carry with it none of the obligations of the chapter but shall entitle the holder to some of the privileges of an associate member.

Section 5 (Courtesy)

Any person not otherwise eligible for TREA membership may be granted courtesy membership by this chapter. Courtesy members may be veterans or non-veterans but in no instance shall the number of non-veterans exceed two and one-half percent of the total chapter membership. Voting rights may be granted to Courtesy Members, but for the chapter only. Each courtesy member must be sponsored by a regular or associate member who shall assume responsibility for the courtesy member's conduct within the chapter. Courtesy membership renewals shall be on an annual basis. All new courtesy member applicants shall be considered non-veterans unless DD Form 214 or other acceptable documents are presented to verify veteran status. The term "veteran" shall include active, reserve or retired officers and warrant officers, and enlisted personnel of the active and reserve components who are not otherwise eligible for membership.

Section 6 (Rights and Privileges)

No person shall be denied membership on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, religious or political beliefs or national origin. Only regular members shall have the right to make motions, vote, and hold chapter office—and none of these rights may be extended to any other category of membership. Courtesy members and TREA members-at-large shall have only such chapter privileges as may, from time-to-time, be granted by the general membership.

Section 7 (Good Standing)

A member shall be considered in good standing except for reasons specified herein or in other chapter directives. A member shall not be expelled for reasons indicated in 'b' or 'c' below without a fair hearing before the Chapter Board of Directors. When a thorough investigation reveals that expulsion from the chapter is appropriate and such action is ordered by the Board of Directors, a copy of the report of investigation and Board action may be forwarded to TREA National Headquarters accompanied by a request for expulsion from TREA. Expulsion for all other reasons shall be in accordance with Section 9 below:

a.    Delinquent dues.

b.    Acts that bring discredit to or are prejudicial to the best interests of this chapter or to TREA.

c.    Membership in or sympathy with any subversive organization which advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United States of America.


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Section 8 (Transfers)

TREA members in good standing may transfer between TREA chapters and from member-at-large (MAL) status to this chapter, or vice versa. Upon acceptance of a MAL, or a member from another chapter, this chapter will complete TREA Form 100-8 (Change of Address/Chapter Assignment). The original copy will be forwarded to TREA National Headquarters and a copy will be sent to the losing chapter (if applicable). When sufficient cause exists, the chapter membership may, by majority vote, deny membership in the chapter to any applicant.

Section 9 (Resignation)

A member may resign from this chapter or from both this chapter and TREA by submitting written notification to the Chapter President or Secretary. A resignation from the chapter only, the member will become a TREA member-at-large. Thus the chapter must submit TREA Form 100-8 (change of Address/Chapter Assignment) to TREA National Headquarters. If a member resigns from the chapter and TREA, a copy of the letter of resignation will be forwarded to TREA National Headquarters. Article V, Section 9, pertains to resignation from office only.


Section 10 (Expulsion, Suspension, or other Disciplinary Actions)

Providing the rights of individual members are not violated, a disciplinary or grievance committee may investigate, hold hearings and make recommendations to the Board of Directors for disciplinary action against members who violate chapter policy. Such action may include a reprimand, temporary suspension or expulsion from the chapter. Suspension from membership suspends all chapter rights and privileges (unless otherwise specified), while expulsion terminates chapter membership. An expelled chapter member becomes a TREA member-at-large unless also expelled from TREA by the National Board of Directors. If expulsion from TREA is desired, a fully documented request for expulsion must be forwarded to TREA National Headquarters for consideration. The provisions of Article XI, Section 2 below, and TREA bylaws Article XVII, Section 7, shall apply.

Section 11 (Reinstatement)

A former chapter member who resigned while in good standing, or who forfeited membership due to nonpayment of dues, may rejoin the chapter as a new member or be reinstated with his original "join date" upon payment of all dues in arrears to the chapter (and to TREA if applicable). Expelled members may rejoin after one year—and upon acceptance by two-thirds vote of the Chapter Board of Directors unless also expelled from TREA, in which case acceptance must be in accordance with Article III, Section 10 of the TREA National Bylaws.


Section 1 (Dues)

All members of the chapter, except courtesy and honorary members, shall pay TREA National dues in amounts prescribed in Article IV, Sections 1 or 2 of the TREA National Bylaws. This Chapter collects no Dues to date. (This Chapter relies on of FREE WILL Donations from its members). The Chapter has established a $14.00 Annual fee for the Printed Newsletter that will be published monthly. The members may have a choice of paying the $14.00 for newsletter or elect to receive via computer e-mail and pay nothing.

Section 2 (Obligations)

The chapter treasurer shall, on a timely basis, send TREA portion of all dues collected from regular and associate members (including life membership dues) to TREA National Headquarters or to such other location or agency as may be prescribed by TREA. All dues collected from courtesy members shall become chapter assets. No dues shall be collected from honorary members. The chapter shall also comply with all reporting requirements promulgated in TREA Standing Rules.


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Section 3 (Finances)

A financial statement shall be filed with TREA National Headquarters no later than 30 days following the end of each calendar year quarter. The membership shall be the approving authority for the expenditure of chapter funds except that recurring obligations such as rent or mortgage payments, utilities, telephone bills, etc., may be paid without further authorization. Also, under the authority contained in Article VII, Section I, the Board of Directors may approve up to $125.00 for any expense, without further approval, when funds are available and such action appears to be in the best interest of the chapter. Two or more members of the Board of Directors shall be authorized to sign checks drawn on chapter accounts and two signatures shall be required on each check or cash withdrawal. The authenticity of all bills for payment of goods and services shall be verified prior to the disbursement of chapter funds.

Section 4 (Fiscal Year)

The fiscal year for this chapter shall be the same as the calendar year (i.e. January 1 through December 31).


Section 1 (Elected Officers)

Chapter officers will be elected every TWO years by the membership and shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed in these bylaws and the adopted parliamentary authority shown in Article XIII.


Section 2 (Appointed Officers)  

Depending upon the number of members assigned to the chapters, the Chapter President shall appoint a chaplain and sergeant-at-arms and may appoint a historian, parliamentarian and chapter service officer. With his consent, the Immediate Past President may be appointed an adviser to the Board of Directors. When it becomes a need the President may appoint a member to Office for Training Purposes until such time as it may dictate that appointment be brought to a vote by the membership for them to fill the office. IAW Section 6 of these by-laws.  No appointment may exceed the remaining term of the appointing authority.

Section 3 (Eligibility for Election)

Any regular, veteran, or associate chapter member in good standing shall be eligible for nomination and election to any chapter office providing these and all other requirements established and announced by the membership are met.

Section 4 (Nomination And Election)

Officers shall be elected at the membership meeting every two years during the month of NOVEMBER shall assume office on the following January 1. At least thirty days prior to convening the November meeting, the Nominating Committee (Article IX, Section 3,) shall begin a search for nominees to fill elective offices. The names of nominees selected shall be reported to the membership before nominations are accepted from the floor. No nominee shall be placed on the election ballot without his or her consent. Each nominee shall be allowed three minutes (followed by one three minute seconding speech) to give a short discourse on his reason for seeking office. Elections shall be by secret ballot or by acclamation when there is only one nominee for an office.

Section 5 (Terms of Office)

Chapter officers shall be elected for a period of two years and directors shall be elected (one each year) for a period of three years. All officers shall serve for the term elected or until their successors are elected or appointed. The term shall begin on January 1, following the elections. Outgoing officers will surrender all chapter records and property to their successors.


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Section 6 (Filling Vacancies)

A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the Vice-President for the unexpired term. All other elective positions shall be filled by special membership election within 60 days unless the regular election is within 120 days thereafter. In the interim, or when there is no candidate for an elective office (and the former occupant refuses to continue to serve in accordance with Section 5 above), the President may appoint any qualified member to the vacant position, subject to ratification by the Officers. Appointees shall have all of the rights and privileges of elected members including the right to vote. The term of any officer (except a temporary appointee) shall be for the unexpired term of his predecessor. When an elected officer is physically unable to perform his duties but fails to resign; when an elected active duty military members is placed on orders outside the chapter area in excess of 120 days; or when the services of an appointed member is no longer desired; the Officers (or the President if an appointee) may declare the position vacant and fill it as prescribed herein. Vacancies in regular appointive positions may be filled by the President.

Section 7 (Dual Offices)

No officer may hold more than one elective office within the chapter itself, but a chapter officer may hold any other office within the TREA structure unless restricted by the TREA National Bylaws.

Section 8 (Removal of Officers)

The Membership may rescind an election and remove an elected officer in the manner prescribed in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (Chapter XX), or as may be promulgated elsewhere in these bylaws or Chapter Standing Rules. In lieu of removal under this Section, the Board of Directors may permit an elected officer to resign from office under Section 9 below, if appropriate. Appointed officers may be removed by the appointing authority, the Board of Directors or the chapter membership.


Section 9 (Resignation)

Any elected or appointed officer who is unable or unwilling to perform his duties (for any reason) may resign on the date specified in his verbal or written resignation without further action by the Board of Directors.

Section 10 (Installation of Officers)

An installation ceremony is a formality which if not held, or not attended by an elected or appointed officer does not affect the time at which office is assumed. If desired, a ceremony may be held before, after, or on the day office is assumed, which shall be January 1, each year. The following Oath of Office (while not mandatory) may be administered with or without a formal installation ceremony.


I, (give name), having been elected or appointed to the office of (state office), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute said office to the best of my ability; that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies; that I will uphold the ideals and traditions of The Enlisted Association; and that I will abide by all rules and regulations to which I am subject – So Help Me God.


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Section 1 (President)

The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer and official spokesman for the chapter. He shall set the objectives, guide the policies and preside over all meetings of the Board of Directors and the membership (except when absent or when presiding might result in a conflict of interest). He shall remain impartial, but as a chapter member, is always entitled to vote by ballot, and at all other times when his vote will affect the outcome of a motion. That is—he may vote to break a tie or to cause a tie and defeat a motion when a majority vote is required; or he may vote to cause or block attainment of the necessary vote when a two-thirds vote is required. If the president takes part in debate in a membership meeting, or is not in attendance, the provisions of Article VIII, Section 5 shall apply. The President shall ensure that all administrative requirements of the chapter are accomplished expeditiously and in a dignified, honest and impartial manner; that the policies mandated by the membership or the Chapter Board of Directors (within the limits prescribed herein) are faithfully reflected in the management and operation of all chapter affairs; that committees are appointed or elected as prescribed in Article IX; and that the intent of Article XI is meticulously adhered to. He shall coordinate the duties of chapter officers; shall normally serve as ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee; and shall perform all other duties incident to the office of Chapter President. He is directly responsible for ensuring that all required reports are submitted to TREA National Headquarters in a timely manner.

Section 2 (Vice-President)

The Vice-President shall assist the President in the performance of his duties and shall fulfill such other duties as the President may assign. The Vice-President shall normally chair one or more committees, and in the temporary absence of the President, shall serve in his stead, in the proper order of succession (when appropriate).

Section 3 (Secretary)

The Secretary shall record the minutes to all chapter monthly membership meetings, other meetings when requested to do so and shall read the minutes of the previous meeting. Corrections to the minutes (if any) shall be made on the official file copy—or, if corrections are extensive, the minutes may be retyped. The file copy will be annotated to reflect approval, the date approved, and the signature of the secretary. The secretary shall fulfill such other duties as may be assigned by the Chapter President.

Section 4 (Treasurer)

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial affairs of the chapter to include care and custody of all funds. He shall ensure payment of all legitimate bills including fees, levies, taxes, insurance premiums, etc. He shall coordinate the establishment of an annual budget; manage all financial accounts in accordance with standard accounting practices; maintain written reports and give a verbal report at each membership meeting (which shall contain—as a minimum—the beginning balance, a record of receipts and disbursements for the period covered, and the ending balance). He shall prepare and submit financial statements to TREA National Headquarters at least quarterly, annually, and at such other times as may be required; and shall ensure that no loans are made to chapter officers or members. He will also comply with Article IV. The membership may require a bond to cover the treasurer and others authorized to handle chapter funds.

Section 5 (Directors)

Each director shall normally chair one or more committees, assist the president in all regular and special projects, and perform such other duties as may be properly assigned.


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Section 6 (Chaplain)

The chaplain (an appointed officer), shall give a non-sectarian invocation and benediction at the opening and closing of each membership meeting and at such other times as may be appropriate. He shall offer assistance and condolence to the families of ill or deceased chapter members and shall officiate at community affairs on behalf of the chapter as appropriate. He shall also be a voting member on the Board of Directors.

Section 7 (Sergeant-At-Arms)

The sergeant-at-arms (an appointed officer), cite the Oath and swear in newly elected Officers; verify voting eligibility of attendees when in doubt; maintain order in the meeting room;  assist the president when called upon; and perform such other duties as may be assigned. He shall normally chair the Parades and Ceremonies Committee and shall be a voting member on the Board of Directors.

Section 8 (Historian)

The historian (if appointed), shall compile, or cause to be compiled annually—from the chapter archives or other authentic sources—a narrative history of the chapter to include its activities and accomplishments. He shall be the custodian of all historical records and documents, and shall transfer custody to his successor upon leaving office. The historian may attend Board of Directors meetings but shall not be a voting member.

Section 9 (Other Appointments)

Other officers, when authorized by the membership, may be appointed and shall have their duties, rights and privileges provided in writing and incorporated into these bylaws during the next amendment.


Section 1 (Function)

Subject to direction from the membership, control and management of the chapter between

Membership meetings shall rest with the Board of Directors. The Board shall transact all business and have exclusive control over all other responsibilities unless restricted by these bylaws, actions of the membership or prohibited by law.

Section 2 (Composition, Voting Rights and Quorum)

The Board of Directors shall be composed of the elected and appointed officers named in Article V, Sections 1 and 2. However, only the elected officers, chaplain and sergeant-at-arms shall have voting rights. Neither absentee nor proxy voting will be permitted. A majority of the elected members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3 (Board Meetings)

All Special Board Meetings shall be at the call of the President or any two elected members of the Board of Directors. The date, time and place shall be determined by the elected Officers.


Section 4 (Compensation)

Members of the Board of Directors shall not be compensated for their services but may be reimbursed for incidental and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official chapter business.

Section 5 (Standing Rules)

The Board of Directors may formulate, adopt and implement such Standing Rules as are necessary for the operation and administration of the chapter, but if such rules are not ratified by majority vote at the next membership meeting, they become null and void.


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Section 6 (Indemnification)

The chapter shall indemnify all of its officers, past and present, in defense of any action, suit, or proceeding in which they or any of them are made parties, or a party, by reason of having performed as officers or directors of the chapter. Indemnification shall be against all losses, expenses or liabilities incurred as a result of such duties, except for breach of duty or loyalty, acts or omissions not in good faith, or which involve intentional misconduct or knowing violation of the law; and any transactions in which such person derives an improper personal benefit.


Section 1 (Date, Time, Place, and Calling of Meetings)

The date, time and place of all regular membership meetings shall be determined by the general membership. The date, time and place of special membership meetings shall be determined by the person(s) authorized to call such meeting (i.e., the president, a majority of the elected members of the Board of Directors or by the membership—upon receipt of a written request of 20 members or five percent of the voting membership, (whichever is less). Notice of meetings shall be as prescribed in Section 3 below.

Section 2 (Frequency

Unless prohibited by circumstances, a regular chapter 16 meeting of the membership shall be held ON THE SECOND FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH at 1:00 PM. The annual meeting, at which chapter officers for the forthcoming 2nd year are elected, will always be in the month of November,-as specified in Article V, Section 4. Special meetings may be called at any time as prescribed in Section 1.

Section 3 (Notice of Meetings)

If notice of the next regular or special meeting is not given at a membership meeting, an official notice shall be mailed or published in a newsletter for delivery at least seven days prior to the next meeting date. In lieu thereof, notification of an emergency special meeting may be made by telephone or other means to all members who attended the last three regular meetings (if possible). Notice will be given at least 24 hours in advance and the purpose of the meeting will be stated.

Section 4 (Quorum)

A quorum at any chapter membership meeting shall be five or more members having voting rights or five percent of the total voting membership, whichever is less (including board members). A quorum must be present prior to conducting any official business. If a quorum is not present, another meeting shall be scheduled within thirty days and all members notified. If a quorum is still not present, the members present at the second meeting may, by two-thirds vote, suspend the quorum requirement and proceed with the business of the meeting. The suspension will be for the one meeting only.


Section 5 (Presiding Officer)

The chapter president shall normally preside over all membership meetings. If the president vacates the chair during a meeting, the vice-presidents (in succession), will assume the chair unless they have been, or intend to become involved in debate on an issue that is before the assembly. If the president and  vice-president must step aside, or if they are all absent, the secretary or another elected Officer shall call the meeting to order and the assembly shall elect a chairman pro tern to preside during that meeting only.


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Section 6 (Order of Business)

The Order of Business shall normally be as follows. The meeting will be called to order before any business is conducted and again after each recess. Except as shown in Section 4, a quorum must be present before any business is conducted:

  1. Call to Order.
  2. Invocation.
  3. Pledge of Allegiance.
  4. Sign-in log.
  5. Quorum Verification.
  6. Introduction of New Members and Guests
  7. Announcements.
  8. Incoming correspondence
  9. Reading and Approval of the Reports of Officers (Treasurer, Secretary, etc.)
  10. Special Committee Reports (if any).
  11. Unfinished Business (brought forward from the last meeting—if any).
  12. New Business

1.  Good of the Order (general welfare of the organization).

  1. Special Announcements (next meeting date, etc.).
  2. Benediction.
  3. Adjournment.

Section 7 (Decorum, Privileges and Time Limitations)

Decorum, privileges and time limitations on debate, speeches, etc., shall be as prescribed in the adopted parliamentary authority (Article XII) unless otherwise prescribed in a standing rule or a special rule of order.


Section 1 (Standing Committees)

Standing committees shall consist of Activities and Entertainment, Bylaws and Rules, Finance, Membership and Parades and Ceremonies. Each committee shall normally consist of three or more members, excluding the president, who shall be an ex-officio member of all standing committees except at meetings where Article XI, applies. The president shall normally appoint the chairman of each committee and the chairman shall select all other members. All members shall serve terms corresponding to that of the president. With the consent of the past chapter presidents, a "Past Presidents Advisory Council (PPAC)" may be formed to advise and assist the Board of Directors and the immediate past president or one of his predecessors will chair the council.

Section 2 (Special Committees)

The Chapter President shall appoint all special committees except the Nominating Committee. Written instructions shall normally be provided —which shall specify committee duties; when action is to be completed; and when a final report is to be made. The president shall be an ex-officio (voting) member of all special committees except the Nominating Committee; and may be personally favorable or unfavorable to him or her.


Section 3 (Nominating Committee)  While the Nominating Committee is a special committee, all members shall be elected by the membership one or two  months prior to the December membership meeting at which chapter officers are to be elected. The duties of this committee are to solicit qualified candidates for nomination as chapter officers and to assist with the elections. The committee shall consist of no less than TWO or more than FOUR members. Neither the president nor any other member shall be ex-officio of this committee.


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Section 4 (Committee Duties and Responsibilities)

A description of the duties and responsibilities of all standing committees and the special Nominating Committee shall be as outlined in chapter rules or policy guides. Recurrent duties of other special committees such as Awards, Grievance, etc., may also be specified in standing rules or policy guides, approved by the membership.


This chapter is authorized to send delegates with proxies, to the National Convention as prescribed in Article X of the TREA National Bylaws. Delegates shall meet the prerequisites prescribed in the TREA Bylaws and Rules and any other requirements established by the chapter membership. Financial assistance may be provided when funds are available and approved in accordance with chapter policies.


Section 1 (General)

No member shall serve in any capacity (as a volunteer or as an employee) where a conflict of interest is apparent or perceived unless approved by two-thirds vote of the general membership.

Section 2 (Accusations or Grievances)

No person who has been accused or who has accused another person of wrongdoing or negligence shall sit in judgment of himself or any person accused by him; nor will any member sit in judgment of another person who he has—or intends to be a witness for or against—in any proceeding. If a grievance or disciplinary committee is in place, and if any member of the committee was appointed by the accused or accuser, or if any member of the committee is named in the accusation, such member shall be excused from all involvement in the case and may be replaced as appropriate. If no committee is in place, one may be appointed, or the Board of Directors may be asked to resolve the matter. In any event, the above provisions shall apply and no person involved or named shall participate in any proceeding except through testimony. Likewise, no person involved or named shall sign any official document related to the matter except his own written statements. All proceedings shall be confidential and shall be held in executive session. The provisions of Article III, Section 9, and TREA bylaws Article XVII, Section 7, shall apply.


The Rules contained in "Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised" shall govern the proceedings of this chapter in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order or standing rules that this chapter may adopt.




Section 1 (Procedures)  

These bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote at any regular meeting if prior notice (containing the text or purport of the proposed change) has been given at a previous meeting, or is given at least 7 days prior to the meeting at which such amendment is to be considered.


Section 2 (Conformance with TREA Bylaws)

These bylaws must conform to the TREA National Bylaws only on clearly requisite points such as membership’s qualifications and classification; elections, terms of office, colors, logo and such other requirements as may be specified herein or in TREA's National Bylaws. In the event of conflict, TREA's National Bylaws shall prevail and conforming changes shall be made to these bylaws without further referral to the membership.


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Revised: January 2017                           10


Section 3 (Distribution) After adoption by the membership, two copies of the original chapter bylaws and/or any subsequent amendments or revision will be forwarded to TREA National Headquarters for review and approval as prescribed in the TREA National Bylaws. Any other distribution shall be as directed by the Chapter Board of Directors or membership.


The official colors of this chapter shall be the same as TREA—Red and Gold. The TREA Logo shall be as specified in TREA Standing Rules and shall not be altered on the inside of the outer ring, except that the chapter number may be centered between the wings of the eagle providing the numerals are no larger than the letters between the two outer circles of the logo. If and when this chapter is incorporated, the Corporate Seal shall contain two concentric circles with "TREA Chapter 16  (and the State)" between the outer and inner circles. In the center circle, the words "Non-Profit" should be at the top, "SEAL" in the center, and the year the chapter was founded along the bottom edge.




In the event of dissolution, all chapter assets shall be converted to cash. After all chapter debts have been paid, any remaining funds will be forwarded to TREA National Headquarters and held in escrow for a period of one year, unless the laws of this State require some other form of distribution. If the chapter is not reactivated within one year, all escrowed funds will be transferred to the TREA Memorial Foundation. The colors, chapter charter and all membership and financial records will be forwarded to TREA National Headquarters and retained for at least one year. Notwithstanding the above statements, State and local laws and the requirements of the Internal Revenue Service shall be adhered to during dissolution proceedings.  


Adopted: 01 June 2012


Amended:  09-January -2017